A robust urinary metabolome analysis pipeline in the RF-lab! You have waited a long time, but here it is!


A capillary electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry pipeline for long term comparable assessment of the urinary metabolome. Boizard F, Brunchault V, Moulos P, Breuil B, Klein J, Lounis N, Caubet C, Tellier S, Bascands JL, Decramer S, Schanstra JP, Buffin-Meyer B. Sci Rep. 2016 Oct 3;6:34453. doi: 10.1038/srep34453. PMID: 27694997


We have been working for many years to setup a robust urinary metabolome analysis pipeline in the laboratory which now has fully maturated. We have shown that we can now analyze the metabolite content of the same sample for over 4 (!) years with high reproducibilitymainly based on a unique internal normalization procedure. We have used this pipeline to identify urinary metabolite biomarkers of disease.

The methods uses capillary electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry to analyzethe urinary metabolite content :


The output is a long list of metabolites when put nicely together look like this :


We tested the pipeline in urine of infants with ureteropelvic junction obstruction and identified 32 metabolic features that combined in a mathematical model predicted with a 76.5% sensitivity and a 85.7% specificity infants with UPJ obstruction (AUC of 0.90) in a new cohort:


Congrats to Valerie and Frank !

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